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AICPA Personal Financial Specialist PFS Dumps (Real Exam Questions Answers)
AICPA established the Personal Financial Specialist PFS credential for CPAs who specialize in various areas of financial planning. In order to receive the credential, CPAs must pass the PFS Exam. A financial planning exam that covers all of the planning process that make up planning, including tax, retirement and insurance planning as well as a few niche areas like employee education, and elder planning.
PFS exam is a computer-based exam that lasts 5 hours, including a 30-minute break if needed.
There are a total of 160 questions per exam module. About half are discrete stand-alone multiple-choice questions and half are case studies with accompanying MCQs.
MCQs consists of a stem that includes factual or scenario data and provides four or five options.
The case studies will vary in length and include short scenarios followed by 2–5 multiple-choice questions and two larger comprehensive cases with 12–18 related multiple-choice questions.
First time exam registrants
$300 – PFP Section members
$400 – AICPA members
$500 – non-members
Re-take exam registrants $100