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Architect Certification for Apache Cassandra Dumps (Real Exam Questions Answers)
From being able to make high level design decisions to enabling you and your team to build a performant cloud application. Put your Cassandra knowledge to the test, gain confidence in deploying, and earn third-party validation with DataStax and O’Reilly’s Apache Certification for Cassandra.
Architect Certification Exam Details:
- Delivered by O’Reilly Media
- Number of Questions: 72 MCQs
- Passing Grade Required: 75%
- Time Limit of Exam: 180 Min
- Version: Apache Cassandra 2.x
- Availability: Online or in-person at one of O’Reilly’s worldwide Test Centers
- Exam Price: USD $400
Material covered:
- Basic tooling
- Cassandra’s distributed architecture
- Installation and configuration
- Cluster administration
- The Cassandra Query Language
- Performance tuning
- Hardware planning
- Troubleshooting problems
- Cassandra data modeling
How to become a Certified Architect for Apache Cassandra
Complete following courses:
DS201: Cassandra Core Concepts
Topic: Installing and configuring a Cassandra instance, read write paths, internal architecture, tools.
DS210: DataStax Enterprise Operations with Apache Cassandra
Topic: Performance tuning, multi-data center functionality, and diagnosing and resolving production problems.
DS220: Data modeling
Topic: Conceptual data modeling techniques, principles and methodology, design techniques and optimization, and a review of real-world use cases.