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Apache Spark Developer Certification Dumps (Real Exam Questions Answers)
From being able to make high level design decisions to enabling you and your team to build a performant cloud application. Put your Cassandra knowledge to the test, gain confidence in deploying, and earn third-party validation with DataStax and O’Reilly’s Apache Cassandra Spark Developer Certification.
Exam Preparation:
To prepare for the Spark certification exam, we recommend that you:
Are comfortable coding the advanced exercises in Spark Camp or a related training (example exercises can be found here). Spark Camp and Spark Advanced Trainings are held at Strata+Hadoop World events. Additional training opportunities are provided by Databricks.
Watch Introduction to Apache Spark by Paco Nathan. In this video training, you’ll complete hands-on technical exercises, and get up to speed on how to use Spark for data exploration, analysis, and building big data applications in Python, Java, or Scala.
- Have mastered the material in the O’Reilly book Learning Spark.
- Have some hands-on experience developing Spark apps in production already.
- If you are taking the exam online, please read the Test Taker Guide at least 48 hours in advance. This guide includes hardware and software requirements for your computer and specific requirements for an external camera. All online test-takers must be equipped with an external USB web-camera that meet these requirements. You will not be allowed to use your computer’s internal camera.
The online exam contains some known issues and bugs. Please read this information for workarounds and support.If you are in China, ChinaHadoop delivers Spark classes in Chinese. Register for the online course.
The test will include questions in Scala, Python, Java, and SQL. However, deep proficiency in any of those languages is not required, since the questions focus on Spark and its model of computation.
What It Means
Certified Spark developers have established expertise with Apache Spark.
- We Set the Bar High. Many who have taken the exam remarked it is more difficult than most certifications, but appropriately so. The exam test for knowledge that is only gained by actually writing Spark apps.
- Industry Experience. We calibrated the exam so that learning about Spark through a course or a book was not enough. Developers must have practice deploying Spark applications in production in order to pass.
- Engineering Breadth. The exam covers Spark API usage across Scala, Java, Python, and SQL, as well as how to integrate streaming analytics, machine learning, and graph algorithms atop the Spark core. The breadth of engineering knowledge required to pass the exam signals a generalist-type skill set that brings value and agility to any engineering team.
- Theory meets Best Practices. In order to pass the exam, developers must understand the theory of how Spark operates on a cluster. Developers must be able to recognize code that is more parallel, and less memory constrained, and they must show how to apply best practices to avoid runtime issues and performance bottlenecks.
- Keeping Pace with Industry Innovations. Certified developers have demonstrated their understanding of the latest advances in the industry. They have learned about the paradigm shift—beyond the point of simply memorizing a different set of API calls. Developers who pass the exam understand how Spark features and practices are distinguishable from using MapReduce in Hadoop, for example.